Thursday, 27 January 2011

David Shrigley

Ive always been a big fan of David Shrigleys. More recently He has moved away from his funny wee drawings we all fell in love with ( im assuming that every one else is a big fan too) into three dimensinal works (click here). They vary in success in my opinion, but then possibly so do the drawings, its just more noticable when its an actual object i guess. Also I deem Shrigley thing to be a sucess only if it forces a gueniune physical laugh on first viewing (other brands of success are available)

I feel when his 3d work succeeds it seem to effortlessly bring his drawing into the real world, and this can offten make then that little bit funnyer as they seeme even more out of context to there surroundings. They work best when simple - simply adding and it to the stop sign - his objects often very close to how we normaly view them in the real world, but as if there has been a lapse of perceved logic some were along the line.
This mimmicing of the real world is something I strive to do in my own work; this way of looking at things from a slightly different angle and reasasessing them and re editing them.

Phil Jones

Phil jones puts up funny ersonal public notices. He plays around with the convention of the hand written help needed style of public notice, with often witty and of kilter notices. I like they way that they imply certain cenarios, guiding you to conjour up in your mind a portrait of the person and situation. see more on his website ( click here)